Thursday, May 6, 2010

White Lake Half Report

Well, this years White Lake Half was one of the more interesting triathlons I have done.  White Lake is a fun venue.  Although not as interesting topographically as some of the races in the Western part of the state, the lake is clear and most of the locals are extremely nice.

I enjoyed the swim this year, probably more than in past years, even though I have not been swimming consistently enough.  It was just a nice morning, the water was calm, and it felt great to be swimming.

The bike was another story.  While turning onto Hwy 210, I felt a tire going down.  I stopped and felt that it was still holding some pressure and decided to continue and look for a bike tech vehicle.  Meanwhile, Todd Midgett rode by and gave me a tire, rim tape, and a couple of CO2 cartridges - Thanks Todd!!!  

Todd Midgett, setting a PR

I stopped at about mile 15 to fix my tire and noticed it was still holding the same amount of pressure.  So, I charged it with a CO2.  Just as I am removing the CO2 from the tire, BANG!  I am hit by another bicycle.  The guy must have been head down, not looking, because it was a flat, straight stretch of road and I was off to the side.  Anyway, after the cobwebs were cleared (I felt like a Loony Tunes character who was just hit with an anvil for a few minutes), I checked the bike (and tire) and everything appeared ok.  At this point, I wanted to quit, but I also really wanted to get a hard run in... So, I continued on.  

Several miles later, the tire was going down again.  So, I stopped (WAY off the road this time) and went about changing the tire.  I also met the first person in Bladen County that wasn't very friendly.  This guy wanted the race off his road and proceeded to tell me all about it...  By this point the demons in my head were screaming to just bag it.  However, I was now totally committed to finishing the race, no matter what!  Luckily, the rest of the bike was pretty uneventful.  

The run went much better.  That said, I think I prefer the old run course over the new one (this was the second year for the new course).  Although I like the out and back vs. the old two loop course; it is now a very hot run with no shade at all.  Thank God for whoever invented the ice cube!  

Weather for the day was sunny, 85deg, windy.

I am happy to have finished this race, but it hurts knowing that my father in law beat me...

The "Champ"

I am now getting lots of "advice" from "The Champ".  I think I want a rematch...

Also, props to Erik McFetters!  This was his first 70.3 AND his first half marathon.   Erik got it done and we are really psyched for him!

Erik Finishing His First 70.3

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