Monday, June 14, 2010

Book Review - Once A Runner

I know it has been a while since I wrote anything here, not that anyone actually reads this.  Finally have some time now that I am fully into the taper for the San Juan Solstice 50  One thing that I have been wanting to do is a book review on "Once a Runner" by John L Parker.

Let me sum up the book - this is a must read for a runner.

"Once a Runner" is the story of a collegiate miler, his quest for greatness, and the trials and tribulations that entails.  It speaks to the personal and physical sacrifices necessary for even the gifted to become truly great.  

The book is set in Florida in the 70's and the training program that the main character (Quenton Cassidy) embarks on is certainly "old school".  It is the "take a group of runners, work them until they break, and those that don't are your stars" mentality.  The "Trials of Miles and Miles of Trials" as the characters in the book call it.  Certainly not quality over quantity by any means.  So, I wouldn't recommend it as a training guide :)  

Some of the passages really spoke to me though.  I do most of my running alone or with my faithful 4 legged "coach", so I could relate to Cassidy's hours of running by himself.  I could also relate to soft, flat, pine needle laden trails.  The running flat out for 4min was a "little" out of my league, but I think everyone can relate to sacrificing and working for a personal goal.          

If you get a chance pick this book up.  If you run, it should be on your bookshelf.  In fact, writing this has made me want to read it again, so you can't borrow my copy :)


  1. Hey it was great to see you again...such a small world...meeting at Gator Trail 50k then out in the middle of nowhere in Lake City.

    Phenomenal effort at San Juan Solstice, phenomenal. Even if you lived at altitude in the mountains that would have still been a fantastic time.

    Enjoy the rest of your vacation out there in God's Country!!!

  2. Hey look who stars in this movie for a blip about 1 minute in...
