Monday, August 24, 2009


The Survivors

We survived the Tri Madness on Sat. Erin Green and I covered over 120 miles on Saturday with only a couple little hiccups.

First was running around Middle Sound Loop at around 11:00 am. It was HOT as blazes out there and 1 hand-held was certainly not enough water.

After a 1.5hr intermission, we refilled our water bottles and got ready to do it again.

Round 2 went pretty well. We did have some nice wind gusts and got caught in 3 rain showers on the bike. Then there was the sprint session 25 miles into the bike. 2 Pitbull looking dogs decided to charge us at the end of a country road. A pit bull can run ~24mph for about a quarter mile, in case you were wondering...

Props to Erik McFetters for doing both swims, and some of both bikes with us. Also Mike Jones who joined in for the second bike and a couple miles of the final run. Finally thanks to Katie Wagner for dinner, beer, and most importantly a shower!!!!

Garmin says - 6000 yards swam, 102 miles biked, 15.7 miles run.

Anyone want to run 2hrs tomorrow???

Friday, August 21, 2009

Crazy Brick this Sat!!!

Come out and join the BIG fun!! Here is the plan for this Sat (22 Aug 09):

5:50AM - meet at Covil Estates
6:00AM - Swim 3000 yards / Bike 50 miles / Run 8.
Pool swim (too many jellies and ocean supposed to be a little rough this weekend), bike will be either beach area or out Smith Creek Pkwy / Blue Clay / etc. Run in the Covil / Mayfair / Landfall area.


1:30PM - Swim 3000 yards at Covil pool
2:45ish - Bike 50 from Porters Neck Area. Probably out Sidbury and into Pender County.
After Bike - Run 8 on trails in Poplar Grove

6:30ish - Stick a fork in me, flip me over, I'll be done!

Come out and join the fun for one or both of these fun filled tri's!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


What is CRUD East

CRUD - Carolinians Running Ultra Distances

The original CRUD (Coloradans Running Ultra Distances) was formed by Paul DeWitt and is located in the Colorado Springs area. Well, Paul was kind enough to allow us to borrow the CRUD acronym and use it on the East Coast. Hence, CRUD East.

Our goal is to get people psyched to run trails and run long in Southeastern NC. Besides, we all need some other sick souls to run for hours with us...

My Running Spot Has Been Discovered

Henry (My Trusty Running Coach)

Henry and I went to Poplar Grove last night to run intervals on the trail only to find Tom Clifford's running group out there. These trails have been a favourite training location for me, as Henry can blast through the woods and get a drink a couple of times per 1.8 mile lap at the old mill pond in the middle. It was nice to see folks out running trails and getting off the pavement.

We expect to spend a lot more time out there in the next year, as I hear the Leadville 100 is only 364 days away!!

Anyone know of more trails, let me know! Preferably places where my coach can run off leash!