Monday, August 24, 2009


The Survivors

We survived the Tri Madness on Sat. Erin Green and I covered over 120 miles on Saturday with only a couple little hiccups.

First was running around Middle Sound Loop at around 11:00 am. It was HOT as blazes out there and 1 hand-held was certainly not enough water.

After a 1.5hr intermission, we refilled our water bottles and got ready to do it again.

Round 2 went pretty well. We did have some nice wind gusts and got caught in 3 rain showers on the bike. Then there was the sprint session 25 miles into the bike. 2 Pitbull looking dogs decided to charge us at the end of a country road. A pit bull can run ~24mph for about a quarter mile, in case you were wondering...

Props to Erik McFetters for doing both swims, and some of both bikes with us. Also Mike Jones who joined in for the second bike and a couple miles of the final run. Finally thanks to Katie Wagner for dinner, beer, and most importantly a shower!!!!

Garmin says - 6000 yards swam, 102 miles biked, 15.7 miles run.

Anyone want to run 2hrs tomorrow???

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