Monday, September 21, 2009

YMCA Triathlon Report

Sat was the 31st annual Wilmington Family YMCA Triathlon. Over 1000 people competed; some, like Erik McFetter's Aunt, in their first triathlon and others in their 100th or 1000th. Like any race, everyone came in with their own goals and dreams. Todd Midgett was fighting hard for the NCTS 30-34 Age Group Championship (GO TODD!!!)

Todd Midgett Getting It Done

Then their was Lori Campbell, who competed after having her final chemo treatment during the preceding week and being released from the hospital just days before the race. Her husband Curtis said that the nurses could never find her in her room, she was always in the hospital fitness center. Anyone want to argue the healing powers of sport?

As for the race itself, it was a good time with good weather.

The swim was wetsuit legal, but you probably didn't need it. I swam in my full suit, but was plenty warm. I did hear some reports of jelly fish stings, so maybe I'm glad I was covered in neoprene! Anyone not familiar with the race - you swim from the Blockade Runner hotel, down a salt water channel to Seapath Towers. Transition is across the street from Seapath in a field in front of the Wrightsville Beach Municipal Buildings. I did find the run from Seapath to transition pretty easy on the feet, which I attribute to the almost barefoot running I have been doing lately (more about this in a future post).

The bike course takes you off Wrightsville Beach, down Airlie Rd (love those r
uts!), around Greenville Loop, up OIeander, and back to WB via Eastwood Rd. The bike was brutal for me. I have been training pretty hard for IM Arizona and the legs started burning way too early in the bike. I did hold off most in my age group, but did get passed by Steve Lewis and a couple other 35-39 age groupers going down Eastwood Rd. Great, these are the guys I'll be racing next year!

Steve Lewis Flying (literally)

The run went a lot better than the bike for me. The run course is one lap of the Wrightsville Beach "Loop" with a little out and back down N. Channel Drive to get the required 5K. To find a flatter run, you would probably need to run on a 400m track. I always look forward to the run and felt pretty good doing this one. I had no idea what my pace was, as I forgot my watch, so just tried to go fairly hard. Unfortunately, that was not hard enough and the run wasn't long enough for me to make up for the first two legs of the race. Props to Adam Rose and Todd Midgett (and everyone else ahead of me) for beating me like a rented mule. Great job guys!!!

Happy to be Running

Congratulations to everyone who raced! Overall winners were local Matt Wisthoff for the men (1:03:23) and Brianne Gaal of Cary for the women (1:10:47).

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